Join us in God's Presence!

We have different types of services to glorify the Lord and meet the needs of the Body of Christ, according to the vision given to us. All times listed are U.S. Eastern Time. Please, come as you are—we have no dress code.

Services & Meetings

Sunday Celebration
Service 11:00 AM ET

This is our time to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and all that it has accomplished.  You're welcome to come a little early if you'd like a bit of time to fellowship or grab a snack or drink.

The service begins with a dedication prayer to give the time to God for His purpose. All those present are then invited to greet one another in the Lord.

A portion of the Holy Scriptures are publicly read, and you are invited to read along.

We then worship the Lord in song, led by our team of singers and musicians. During this time, we are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, Who often manifests Himself through spiritual gifts to encourage and build up the church.

After any announcements are given, children are invited to attend Sunday school, and an attended nursery is available for babies and toddlers.

The Pastor, or a guest speaker, then preaches an anointed message from God's Word.

All believers in the Lord Jesus are then invited to partake of the Lord's Supper, as we proclaim the death of the Lord (1 Corinthians 11:26). Membership in our church is not required to receive Communion, you need only be a born-again disciple of the Lord. We believe in and experience the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of the Lord, "in, with and under" the bread and cup (also known as Sacramental Union), when celebrating His Supper.

A closing prayer is lifted to the Heavenly Father, and His people are dismissed in peace. Those who would like prayer are welcome to remain after the service has ended, to receive ministry (such as laying on of hands for healing, etc.). There are hot drinks, water & snacks available in the foyer, where we may all fellowship!

Support of the ministry is welcome before or after service; baskets are available on the sanctuary's platform and near the bookcase in the foyer. You may also give electronically via the Givelify app on your Android or iOS devices, or via PayPal.

Wednesday Night
Class 7:15 PM ET

Our weeknight service is a special time together for those with a heart for God.

It begins with an edifying 30-minute Bible study taught by Pastor or a guest speaker.

We then leave brief time for Q&A, and then close by coming together to eat and drink the Holy Communion of the Son of God, joining any prayer requests to our spending time with the Lord.

We believe in and experience the Real Presence of Jesus, also known as Sacramental Union, in our celebration of the Lord's Supper.

All are welcome to attend, and any born-again believer in the Lord Jesus is invited to partake of the Lord's Supper with us—you don't have to be a member of our church to share in Communion!

Live-Streams & Archives

Join us live or watch/listen later when you can't make it in person!


Facebook Live

You may watch live video broadcasts of our services via Facebook Live! Archives of the sermons are kept on there after the live service is over.  We invite you to "Like" our FB page and look for notifications of our broadcast during our service times. When we're live, there will be a video window right here too!


YouTube Channel

Subscribe to our White Oak Chapel YouTube Channel to watch higher quality , full-length (worship included) archived videos in 1080p with stereo sound -- it's free, will keep you connected with optional notifications of new videos and helps us reach more people with the Good News of Jesus Christ! Watch our latest YouTube video right here!


MP3 Sermons

If you prefer to listen to audio recordings versus watching videos, we make the message portion of every service freely available on our Publications website--the recordings date from present back to the late 1980's--thousands of sermons available for free download!

Download the MP3 of the latest message shared here, by Joseph Kostelnik, on 2/9/2025: "Great Commission or Confusion?" - "Are We All Called to Win Souls?"

White Oak Chapel
3260 W North Bend Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45239

We're situated within White Oak, near the Green Township/City of Cincinnati line. We're between LaSalle High School and Kroger, on the north side of the road across from the gas station. 

+1 (513) 662-6220

Ministry Outreaches:
Gospel Truth Ministries
Prophetic Voice Institute
Prophetic Voice Publications
YouTube Channel
Facebook Page

We hope to see or hear from you soon!  God loves you!